
Six Years at NetNumber (or Titan.ium or Lumene)

The tradition continues as the year passes once again. I feel disinclined to break things out into a numbered list so I am just going to talk about the year in general.

On the positive side of things, I have had a number of interesting projects this year. The work to convert hard subs to soft subs and resync the anime Ketsudan has been far more work than I thought, but it will be nice to at least have a partial translation of this series. I have sent all my OCR-ed subtitles to a fansubbing group and will work with them to edit their forthcoming releases. Follow @Perevodildo to keep track .

AMV wise, I have never felt more creative. I already have made a bunch this year and I have a dozen or so other ideas slowly coming to the surface. It was also fun to do a hentai AMV this year. Retrospectives for those works will be coming soon-ish once I have completed submitting them to various conventions. I also took part in an online contest this year, where I did not win anything, but had fun.

Panel wise I did three at Connecticon 2022 last year (Guns, Titanic Media, and Star Trek Porn). I am hoping to do all three again at ConnectiCon 2023 and hopefully one or two at Arisia 2024. Doing panels has been fun, but I wish I had some more ideas on panels to do.

Convention wise, we hit all the usual conventions for the first time since 2019. It was nice to get fully back. We also went to GenCon for the first time, which was fun if a little overwhelming. I am hoping we can continue to go to different conventions.

Work wise the company I am employed at was purchased twice over, which has been financially beneficial, but has done little else. Not really much to say about work. I consider myself a mercenary for hire so I am not particularly attached to any one business or job.

On the negative side of things, not really much bad of note this year. My car had another expensive fix and it does seem that much closer to the end. I am hoping it keeps limping along though as I hate car shopping.

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