
Five Years At NetNumber

As tradition dictates, with another year passed I again return to the blog to summarize the time. In a break with tradition I am just going report what comes to mind and not break it down into different categories like I have done before.

I am pretty happy with last year. It is nice to be out and about again, after almost two years of isolation. ConnectiCon 2021 in September was my first convention back and I forgot somewhat how much I missed the steady flow of conventions throughout the year. I brought a new panel to that convention: Does Star Trek Porn Make Good Star Trek, and it was well received. I am hoping to run the same panel this year at ConnectiCon and hopefully other conventions. As far as other panels go, I have a few ideas percolating that I hope get accepted.

I completed a very ambitious live action AMV this year. There will be a larger blog post about it soon, in addition to a video retrospective, but suffice to say I am quite chuffed with how it turned out. I do think it however marks the end of my foray into live action AMVs, as I do not see how to go from here, but it was a fun journey none the less. Luckily, I have plenty other live-action-less ideas to pursue.

My gun collecting has slowed a little compared to last year. I suspect I am becoming more discerning about what I get. There is a still price point I will buy anything (sub $200), but at the high end I seem to be buying less. It has not helped that the market seems to have risen quite a bit in the past few years as well. Regardless, I still acquired a number of cool new pieces last year ( C96, Dreyse 1907) with more on the way this year. I am also hoping to get into some more active shooting sports (like clay or skeet). Something more active than target shooting.

On the topic of guns, I have a number of projects I am hoping to get to this year. My C96 requires repair, so I need to find someone who can do that, having failed to fix it myself. I also need to do some more research on my Vetterli, since something is not right with the cartridges I loaded for it. Finally, I am hoping to get through a couple of the firearms history books that have been sitting around here for too long. Most notably Jonathan Ferguson’s book on British bullpups and Neil Aspinshaw’s book on the Martini-Henry.

On a final note, I have been doing a lot of paid online surveys via Prolific. It is generally very small money, but it is oddly satisfying and I can make an extra hundred a month doing them. A strange development to be sure.

Ultimately, not a whole lot went on last year, but it was still a pretty good year none the less.


Four Years at NetNumber

As tradition dictates, as a year passes I must reflect.

What Did I Learn This Year?

  1. Old cartridges are tricky to load. I continued my love affair with archaic cartridges by loading and shooting 11mm Chassepot. This is a good example of an early mass produced cartridge and while I still have some ways to go with my loading practice, I am generally satisfied with how it turned out.
  2. Reading is fun. I made substantial progress on my book backlog this year. With the need to commute greatly reduced I have been able to carve out a good amount of time each day to work on reading all the books I said I would. Included in this is all the manga I never had time to read before.
  3. Cooking. I have never been a particularly accomplished cook, but I have been broadening both my palate and skills by means of a meal delivery service. It is certainly convenient to select meals and have meals delivered, but you do pay a premium for that convenience.
  4. Computer building. I built a new computer this year, which was logistically difficult given the GPU shortage, but fun. Things did not work for my first go of it, but careful disassembly and reassembly resolved whatever gremlin was lurking. After that it was pretty much smooth sailing. I will be keeping my eye on VR headsets so I can see what the deal with those are.

What Am I Looking To Explore This Year?

  1. I bought a fancy camera I hope to film with this year. I am looking to fiddle with some live action stuff, but I do not have any set plans yet.
  2. More panels. I took the extended lockdown to create some more panels. I am looking to present them this year.
  3. Conventions. I am looking forward to get back to the convention game after a whole year of no conventions.

What did I Fail at This Year?

  1. Lawnwork. I just cannot be bothered.